Monday, December 14, 2009

Awkward Internship Rejection

So, I've been trying to get out there and send my resume out for job openings, internships for about two months now since being home from the road trip... Many e-mails never garner a response, which is very difficult not hearing anything back from anyone.

It's a very depressing and dejecting process. Despite the state of the economy, it's easier-said-than-done not to take it so hard when unable to get a job.

I finally got response back from an email I sent out after coming across of CraigsList posting for a Graphic Design Internship. After sending e-mails back and forth, about my abilities and experience with certain creative programs, and so forth. Answer one question about my understanding that I will not be compensated for travel or given a stipend of any kind, I happened to mention that I'm a train ride away from the city and that I understand that the expenses are entirely on me.

I then got a reply to my e-mail that said: "An hour commute too long... I'm sorry."

What?! Am I being rejected from this internship because I live too far away? That doesn't make any sense. Going in to New York City is what I figured I'd be doing for a while, what thousands of people do around here, they take the train in to the city to go to work. That's not a foreign idea.

So then I thought, Maybe he thought I mentioned it implying that it's a major imposition on myself to go out of my way to take the train in everyday. Okay, so I e-mailed the guy back basically saying: "Sorry if there was any miscommunication on my part, I didn't mean to imply anything about my ride in to the city. I am very much interested in this internship, and I look forward to continuing the process."

I just now got the final response: "I'm sorry but an hour commute IS too long."

That's it.

That's all it said.



Are you kidding me? You're telling me that taking the train in to the city is too bothersome an ordeal for YOU to handle? So many people take the train in to the city for work every day, people that live farther out East on the Island than I do. Why is this an issue?

As long as I get in on time, and get my work done, what should it matter to this guy how long it takes me to get in?

I'm just honestly blown away that I've been eliminated from contention for an internship because I don't live close enough to New York City. Are you FUCKING kidding me? One of the rare responses I've gotten to my 40, 50 something e-mail/resumes that I've sent out, and I'm out of the running, not because I'm inexperienced, not because I'm incapable, but because this guy feels that my commute in to the city is too long.

My mind is boggled.